Four and a half years ago I had a beautiful baby girl, and I named her Tia. I was a first time Mom and didn't know what was normal and what wasn't. Tia had severe allergies and it took me six months to begin figuring things out. She had eczema, she vomited, she had rashes, she had hives, she was grumpy, she cried, she had explosive, burning diarrhea, she had colic, she was miserable. I began a difficult and lonely journey, trying to figure out what was wrong with my baby girl. Doctors were not much help. I kept a detailed food journal, of what I ate as a breastfeeding mother, and what I fed baby Tia. I cut all sorts of foods and food groups out of my diet. I bought every kind of cream, lotion, and paste to try to give her relief to her itching. I took her to gut specialists, dietitians, allergists, and dermatologists. Through testing and my food diaries, I began to pull foods from her diet until she settled at a baseline. She thrived on Elecare formula and homemade allergy free food.
Tia is allergic to all nuts, milk, eggs, soy, seeds, fish, corn, tomatoes, avocado, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, boysenberries, cranberries, lemons, limes, melons, oranges, beef, and chicken.
She continues to grow and is a happy 4 year old girl who loves her food. We remain hopeful that she will outgrow some of her allergies. Time will tell.